About Us


SOCARENA started its operations in 2021. Our main task is to provide comprehensive services for advertising oneself on various social networks. We provide services to clients on all popular social networks: Instagram, VKontakte, YouTube, Telegram, Twitter, TikTok. We offer our clients a wide range of services for promoting their accounts on social networks.

We use a special set of tools to provide our services. We may subscribe to alerts such as: Like, Dislike, Repost, Video Previews, Video Comments, Voting, Like Subscriptions, and more. The choice of signals is very large. The integrated approach allows you to promote your social account in a short amount of time, increasing the number of followers and avoiding blocking.

We employ exceptional professionals who are well versed in all the intricacies of working on social networks and doing their job at the highest level. We use real accounts to increase the number of positive ratings or reviews. This allows you to get the right amount of positive reviews and other signals without causing suspicion to social network administrators.

We treat each customer responsibly and do our best to fully meet the customer's requirements and wishes. Our specialists can provide the required number of followers and thousands of video views in a short time

Some of our benefits include fast order fulfillment, discounts from 50 to 90%, a lucrative bonus program for regular customers, and more.


We start working right away and customers can see our results in real time. Alerts ordered from our system will take effect immediately, and the customer will be able to see that the number of video views, photos, positive ratings, and re-ads is really growing.

We guarantee that all ordered services will be completed. If you, as a customer, remain dissatisfied with our service, we will find out the reason and compensate you for your damage. We value every customer and do our best to fully meet all the requirements and preferences related to a particular social network.
